What to Expect…

This website was created for my HIST 1120-01 class, in order for me to show what I have learned in this course about history and express what I think is the key to studying it. The following pages will revolve around the statement “History is written by the victors” as I believe it sums up the problem with using limited sources when studying history; those being the biases of the time in which they were written, or by the writer themselves.

About Me– This page discusses my personal experiences with history and some biased or false accusations that I have run into.

Reflections on the Past– This page offers examples I found in class that relate to my thesis as well as my own reading logs.

Research Project– Here I have posted a PDF file of my research project for the class as well as some excerpts from my sources that relate to my thesis statement.

Learning Canadian HistoryOn this page I discuss my personal experience in this course, such as how the different learning styles helped me, and sum up why I believe my thesis to be true. I also confess what I would have done differently if I were to take this course again.